Return of Skeletor
So I finally have internet in the apartment… I know, I know, it has only been a few days, but to me it has been a lifetime. If you want to think that I am pathetic for wanting to stay in touch with my friends go ahead… I think that it says something about you… SO THERE!!!
After a couple of days practically hanging out the window to get my neighbors shitty wireless signal, I am happily sitting outside on the deck (I have decided to call it my “fortress of solitude”) surfing. Why do I think that it is so cool to have technology in places that technology usually does not live?
Anyway, the wireless network is named “Skeletor” in honor of the guy (character) pictured. He is HE-MAN’s arch enemy and a complete bad-ass. If you are around the neighborhood, give Skeleton a shout… he will treat you to all of the free illegal downloading, pirating and porn you can handle… or you could check your email.
He also really likes women.
So I am looking for a good book to start reading… Any suggestions?
If you have not done it yet, please read “Life of Pi”… I might not tell you again.
The America’s Funniest Home Video’s clips got quite a response. I guess that people falling down, getting racked and generally being abused is something that we all love. I prefer the Bob Saget days of the show… or the “BS” stage as loyal watchers of the show like me call it, but the Bergeron shows are pretty good… You know that they have re-used a lot of the clips from the “BS” days with new voice overs… For me, no one can do it like Bob.
So if you want to have a Swedish good time… or you just like looking at attractive (everyone knows that ALL Swedes are HOT) people, you should check out my good friend Emelie’s BLOG… I did, and I don’t regret it a bit.
Floor of the apartment
Close up of some plastic flowers
Jack is back
We all decided to take pictures of ourselves shaking our head from side to side… This is the result.
The “Fortress of Solitude”
Comments (3)
where’d you guys end up?
Your place looks sweet!
It´s a really old building, I guess… Does it come with any ghosts? Except for Skeletor, I mean.
I´m really glad he´s pro me, by the way. He doesn´t look like the guy you would like to have against you.
Your new place is sweet!
It looks like a really old house…
Does it come with any ghosts? Except for Skeletor, I mean?
It´s a good thing he´s pro me. He doesn´t look like the type of guy you would like to have against you, if you know what I mean… Booo!!!
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