After a lot of thought…
I have decided to NOT see the new G.I. Joe movie till I hear many different positive reviews AND a word of mouth review from a trusted friend… It just looks SOOOOOOO TERRIBLE! I can’t take Hollywood crapping all over my childhood again (Transformers).
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C’mon Joe. You know you shouldn’t give 2 cents to go see that movie. They cast it all wrong and the script and writing will be awful.
Here is what I woulda like to have seen:
Destro- Vin Diesel
Cobra commander- William Defoe
Baroness- Angelina Jolie
Tomax & Xamot- Those twins from the Matrix
Hawk- Josh Brolin or Kurt Russell
Duke- Mark Wahlburg
Snake eyes- Ray Park
Strom shadow- The Iron Chef guy
Major Blood- Daniel day Lewis
Scarlett- Scarlett Johannson
Road block- Evander Holyfield or Michael Clark Duncan
Doc- Carl Weathers
Bazooka: Randy from “My name is Earl”
Lady Jaye- Kara from Battlestar Galatica
Wild Bill- Matthew McCougnahey
Gung-Ho- Lance Gilchrist
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