Album of the week

Album of the week


So Capn’ got a tattoo last week for his birthday… I took some pictures. I am going to ask him if I can post them.


The sound of a fan in the window is one of the greatest things on the Earth… It does not even rank on the list of greatest things on Mars… That place is GREAT.




Plans for the ASB Classsic 2009 are under way!!! All of the teams from last year are coming back!!! I am freaking so freaking excited!!! Freaking!!!


I few years ago I was really into watching movies… I am not so much into it anymore.

What happened? Are there no good movies anymore? Maybe.


I hate my Dentist: I feel like that dumb place is milking me for everything I am worth… They said that I would owe $20 for my filling after insurance. I got a bill for $55… This is BULLSHIT… If you ever need a Dentist in KC do NOT go to Dr. Bunton on the plaza.

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  • Capn

    Post all the pictures of the tattoo experience you wish, but please don’t post the ones of me crying and begging for mercy.

    August 20, 2008 at 7:57 am

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