Close Shave
I have been using a Gillette Sensor to shave with since the beginning… As a matter of fact I am still using the same arm (detachable head) that my brother got when he learned how to shave. My loyalty throughout the years for this product has been nothing less than fierce… A rough guess is that I have been using it for the better part of 13 years… So this morning I decided that I would give 78’s three blade razor a try because my loyal two blade (Sensor) friend had an old blade on it.
I have to be honest. I have been know to make fun of the “new & amazing” razors that they advertise on the television every Christmas. I would be known to say, “How many blades does one man need?”
Well, I am here to say… At least three… The Sensor, while solid in its two blade shaving performance, simply can not compete with the new complicated three and four blade systems… It’s a sad day, but I think that my long time shaving friend is now an endangered species.
Comments (5)
Using my razor is grounds for divorce. Being stupid enough to do it and then write about it in your blog is grounds for revenge. Watch your back.
Oh no Joe! I would be afraid very afraid. Your wife is crazy!
ha. amen, sister. i was about to ask – you, um, BOUGHT HER A NEW RAZOR – right?! Cause razor burn on your legs? Cause your husband used the blade/ – not good.
WOW— Ladies, I had no idea that it was such a big deal to use your wifes razor… I am sure that she will not volunteer all of the times that she has used my razor.
This is an interesting thing. I was considering using my boyfriends razor to shave my legs the other day. I thought better though and asked him first. Turned out that it was a horrible idea. An absolute no-no. Lesson learned: Although men and their ladies can share many things, a razor is NOT one of them.
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